Monday, January 31, 2011

Manic Monday: A Positive Attitude In The Workplace Is Key

Good Morning Ladies, Hope you all enjoyed your weekend; mine was great, mostly spent home relaxing and spending time with family.  I know it’s the infamous Monday so I could imagine what crazy obstacles you have already encountered this morning, but I want to remind all of you that your  everyday "attitude" can play a key role in overcoming those obstacles….don’t let your attitude define you.   It’s impractical to expect that we all should be bouncing through the entire work day as if everything is well in the world and life is a constant A+, but I do believe having a positive outlook can change the outcome of your day drastically.  I’m sure that having the whole "importance of having a positive attitude speech" has been lectured to most of us, multiple times through our lives, but there’s a reason for the repetitiveness….it works.  So many times, mostly for reasons beyond our control, life finds us in a place we never thought we would be, and often times that place is our place of employment.  Very seldom do you come across a group of people who are testifying to the love of their job; however, you can get there and it can start with analyzing your attitude....what you think it says about you vs. what you want it to say?  Make the choice to Define it.

A positive attitude can be the key to opening doors to better opportunities; it can also bring forth personal recognition from upper management, loyalty and trust in handling delicate projects and (the most important to me) establish respect in the office.  Ladies, don’t let your dislike for your current occupation back you into a corner; instead think of that employment as a temporary holding space for you while your dream profession is being tailored to fit you, and everything you love to do is being outlined in the job description.  While searching for and solidifying the terms of your ideal career- stay active in your endeavors, focused on your goals, and motivated to overcome any obstacles—this stands for everything you want in life.  Ladies, think of yourselves as being the  “P” in positive, and let it be that pep in your step that takes you to the next level.  Yes ladies you are the "P" in positive because without that “P” the word simply wouldn’t exist, and that's not possible because this year we're making our presence known to the world.  Hope you all have been inspired this morning.  Have a great one!

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