Friday, July 6, 2012

Drive Off Course...

Whoever said being a woman is easy must have been of the other sex!  I mean, when I sit back and think of half the things we do, as women, on a daily basis, it equals out to a full time job.  We are always ripping and running...flipping and turning to get  the job done; I’m not even going to put emphasis on the time we put in to look the part.  Ladies, from one woman to another, I hear ya!  Life could just be so much simpler if we could just drive off course one day, and not have to worry about the daily.  Not have to worry about the bills, the “to do” lists, the projects, the children, work, the house, the pets, and of course the husband/partner/boyfriend/man/”friend”  (whatever the title) among other things.  Though it may seem foreign to most, the idea would be to just wake up one morning without a care in the world…at least for one day.  Sounds great doesn’t it?  Why not make it happen? Ladies, Rome was not built over night, so to execute a day just for “you” will take some planning and maneuvering on your part.  You have to be willing to cease the moment. ITS SUMMER, so let the weekend plans begin! From brunch with the girls, to drinks at a roof top lounge, there are so many activities out there calling your name.  If you have absolutely no clue where to start, here are a few tips to get your social calendar buzzing:

1.      Go through your mail/email, is there an invite with your name on it, pending RSVP?

2.      Communicate with the people around you, the best sales, outings, and recommendations to places are usually discovered through word of mouth

3.      Read!!! Newspapers, magazines and blogs are out there as an information source for you

4.      Last, but not least “google”…or bing,  maybe even yahoo….from Yoga in the park in the AM, to Movies in the park in the PM, there are tons of activities you can get in to…sometimes at no cost!

So ladies before you work your weekends away…plan a day for you! Summer only comes once a year…enjoy!!!


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