Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ethics: Be Your Own Authentic You & Appreciate It

(image via)

Being authentic, in the simplest term, means being true.  A moment of honesty ladies: How many times have you wondered what it would be like to walk in someone else’s shoes?  To live their life, because you think it looks a lot better than yours?  To be afforded the same opportunities as them, without giving thought to the work they put in to get there?  I'm guessing we all can say we've been guilty of those thoughts at one time or another, besides its human nature to want things.  To some of us, we view that other person as having the easy life right?  It would be as simple as trading places, I guess, but would you really be happy anywhere else but in your own skin?  How authentic are you when it comes to taking a step back to acknowleding your life, and the role you play in it?  Have you ever thought about taking time to find out the unique characteristics about yourself?  What is it that sets you apart from all the rest?

Ladies, this world will never know the best version of ourselves if we don’t strive to put that person out there.  Live your life by setting the bar to the highest, yet attainable, standard; but be genuine about it.  Be a Leader, and in doing so lead by example.  Embrace who you are by being real with yourself and hopefully others will be real with you.  Adapt the concept of "The Law of Attraction"  and crave the taste of Positive thinking.  Ask yourself "is there negativity looming?" Ever thought about re-evaluating your social circle?  I'm all for surrounding yourself with positive people, because the mind can prove to be weak at times thus being open to manipulation by envy (in that realm the last thing you need is negativity).  Ladies, yearn to live in "your" world, where you matter just as much as the next person.  A world you honestly strived to belong in.  Love yourself, believe in your ideas and have faith that YOU can make your dreams came true; but do it all virtuously.   Ladies, go forward with the mindset that everyday the world is a witness to the authentication of you.  Have an awesome day!

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