Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spoil Me Wednesday: As Simple As Ice Cream

Early in the Spring season is when I normally send my reality on a two week vacation by tucking it in a closet somewhere, and I invite the insanity of indulging to come on in.  Ladies, I admit it, I don't know how to act when the weather starts warming up, and in my opinion there is no better friend to the Spring season than I.  The flowers blooming, birds chirping, colorful pieces when shopping, outdoor dinner dates and one of my f this case Ice Cream in particular.  I'm not an all year round ice cream eater; therefore, when my taste buds are awakened by the craving, I enjoy every spoon that much more.  Yes, Spring brings out the ice cream lover in me, and my ultimate is Hagan Dazs Butter Pecan- my opinion, HDBP can get you through almost anything.  For a moment forget about why you shouldn't, and think about how good it feels that you could.  

The simplest things really make a diference in life. 
Not everything has to be complex, and not everyday has to be a marathon.
  My advice, slow down even if it's for an hour or so. 
Take time to enjoy the things that a lot of us normally take for granted.

 Have a  GREAT day!!!!

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