Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sometimes You Have To Search For Inspiration

When you’re on a mission to accomplish something in life there is no telling how long it will take you to actually realize that goal.  Being able to outline short term vs. long term goals is a key aspect in defining your timeline for completion.  Realistically, change does not come over night and often times in order to see results you have to be patient in your quest. In my opinion it is impossible to feel the strength of motivation every single day of your life; for instance, you may wake up and simply decide you don’t want to deal with the challenges of a new day. You don’t feel the push; you don’t have the energy; you feel nothing but deterioration of enthusiasm. In cases like this I urge you to seek and surround yourself with inspiration in a form that suitable to you.

Find inspiration through....

  1. Reading
A good book, article or magazine not only helps relieve stress, but can serve as a learning tool and guide for examples of life and experiences.  Whether it be fiction or non fiction there is something about a story that stimulates the mind.

  1. Exercising
Even if it’s a half hour walk, once a day, find your body’s rhythm through movement

  1. Color
Incorporate it in your wardrobe, the food you prepare, your decorations etc. Colors stimulates the mind.

  1. Music
I love music and my soul has its own relationship with it.  There are songs that undeniably speak to your heart. Songs that make you laugh, songs that make you cry…ultimately they make you feel.

  1. Love
This is a tough one, but a great one.  Being inspired through love is like finding your muse.  As if you’re opening your eyes from being in a dark place for so long, and realizing that now there is light; there is something greater than all of us out there.  Love is what you make it, and although this is a subject I don’t wish to elaborate on because of its intensity…I know you haven’t experience life if you haven’t experienced love.

Have a great day!!!

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