Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lets Get Physical: Day 11 IFTL 30 Day Mind, Body & Soul Challenge

Let me just be honest right off top and say that I am not a fan of working out.  I definitely want to make the effort to stick to a routine, but it almost never plays out that way for me.  I know I should be focusing on my health and of course the results, but instead I think of the pain, the effort and the pain (again).  Another thing, I might as well admit is my reluctance! I can get lazy real quick and always find a way to justify that laziness each time.  I don’t want to do that anymore!

My Goal: I want to commit to an exercise plan that’s flexible for my schedule, and doesn’t make me cringe at the thought of doing it.  I want to be able to do my regime without feeling the intense physical pain, well at least over time that is.  I want to get out of my bed when its time for my workout, and not dread the thought of doing so.  More importantly, I want to be able to focus on my work out, no complaints, get the results I want, and feel amazing abut the process.  Question is, how?

Journal Entry: The Workout Plan- create/improve upon your exercise regime.  Customize it to fit your schedule, your strength, your goals and commit to it.

Challenge: Reignite your workout regime!  Create a music playlist that displays your personality.  Musically motivate your fitness enthusiasm and movements.  Whether its jogging to jazz, running to hip-hop, lunging to reggae or Yoga and Pilate stretches to a contemporary sound; design or research a fun routine that you can absorb into your daily regime.  Share it with the #IFTL team 

For ideas and inspiration follow our Healthy Living board on Pinterest

Have a GREAT one!

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