Friday, April 4, 2014

Deviating From the Norm: DAY 3 IFTL MInd, Body and Soul Challenge

I can’t remember the last time I just woke up and decided to try something new.  Lately, my life consists of calendars, itineraries, and agendas.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in “to – do” lists and schedules (well as close as I can come to staying on schedule), but there are times when I yearn to deviate from my norm.  Doing the same thing everyday, or doing absolutely nothing on your day off can, and in my case has, become a pattern.  It can also cause one to become bored very fast.  Sometimes that overhaul of boredom can slowly transition to a lack of energy, and based on my observation it’s kind of down hill from there… well, until you attempt to bounce out of the trend.

Ladies, I totally understand that it’s not easy to just out of nowhere make magical impromptu plans; that would be an unrealistic expectation on my part, but what if you had a days notice?

Day 3:

Journal Entry (Part 1): When was the last time you did something for the 1st time?  What do you think holds you back from trying something new? 

Challenge: This weekend, deviate from your norm! Do something you’ve never done before! Take a Picture/recording of yourself completing this task, post it on your social media account or our Facebook page and use hash tag #IFTLChallenge so we can notice you.  If you’re not on social media, email IFTL at

Journal Entry (Part 2): What did you do for your challenge? How did it make you feel? If you could describe your experience in two words what would they be?

*Challenge Tips:

  •         It can be anything, no task is too big or small it’s just about how it makes you feel
  •         You can team up with others doing the challenge, and do something as a group
  •         Expenditure is not necessary

Good Luck!

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