Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Age Old Question: Day 2 IFTL Mind, Body & Soul Challenge

Are you happy? (Deep Breath) … Generally, this is my thought process and emotions when I’m asked this question:

  • Blank Stare: Seriously?
  • Defensive: Uhm, Why am I being asked this question?
  • Confused: Where is this question coming from?  Happy with what? My hair? My man? My career? My life? Etc.
  • Judgmental: This question coming from someone who doesn’t seem remotely happy in his or her own life!
  • Annoyed: Oh gosh here comes the lecture on love and life, again.
  • Calm: Yes I am happy, no I am not, sometimes
  • Lost: I truly don’t know

The “Are you happy” question, seems to be one of those "life’s cycle" questions that will continue to come up in conversations over the course of your life on earth (lol).  It’s just something that’s observed by people.  This question is kind of like a magnetic force that somehow finds it's way to the surface of a discussion, a chat, a lecture and my favorite advice, just to name a few.  It's a question that could come in 10-year intervals, or in three-week increments; dare I say it can be something asked on even a day-to-day basis.  Some may never here these words ever, and others simply run from the thought of having to answer it. 

I don’t think it's possible for a person to feel or even be happy 24/7, 365 days of the year, but I do believe that one can strive to live a happy life overall.  I find that people often conform to their environmental lifestyle, and settle for routine and comfort rather than work towards a customized existence that exudes the mere essence of who you are.  I believe that happiness is attainable.  It's there right in front of you, but you have to reach for it, hold on to it, and live it!   

Day 2:

Challenge: Physically stand in front of the mirror, and ask yourself, out loud, are you happy?

Journal Entry: Define what happiness is to you? Identify what is currently lacking, needs improvement, needs deletion or needs to be added to your lifestyle to increase your happiness factor

 Have a great one!

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