Inspiration For The Ladies holds true to it's name. As women, often times, we're expected to do twice as much because we balance both work and home lives, but in that balance where do we find the "Me" time? Sometimes life can throw you a curve ball, and it feels like it hit you and knocked you down, but you dont have to stay down; IFTL is here as a reminder that it's ok, life will resume back to normal again...eventually. Through the everday strife of being daughters, sisters, wives, girlfriends, moms, bestfriends, coaches, teachers etc., its easy to get lost in the many roles; sometimes, you have to take a step back and ask yourself "who was I before I assumed that role?" I hope IFTL can serve as a reminder that YOU are important, if not to anyone else to you. This blog was created with the idea of positivity, motivation and most of all inspiration. Inspiration that may make you cry, inspiration that may make you laugh; inspiration to do all the things you never thought possible, but most of all inspiration to be the best person you can be and start living life on your terms...the life you always dreamed of living.
Ladies, sit back and enjoy the very essence of YOU!