Tuesday, April 8, 2014

PLAN: Day 7 IFTL Mind, Body and Soul Challenge

So far on our Mind Body and Soul and challenge we have identified the following:
  • Revealed our personal hopes for this challenge
  • Outlined our “to-do” list
  • Asked ourselves the day old question
  • Deviated From the norm
  • Committed to 30 mins of solitude
  • Rejuvenated our minds for the week ahead
  • Restructured our vision

So where do we go from here?  What’s your life’s strategy? What are you striving to accomplish?  Where does your determination lie in terms to your goals?  …. I honestly don’t think there is an end to the questions that can be asked, or even that we ask ourselves, but what I do now is that we cannot successfully initiate our objectives without a plan.  Successful planning comes from taking time to identify your wants and needs, and being able to create a timeline for crossing those things off the list as they are accomplished.  You’ll find that working on these set tasks can vary in means of time and execution.  It doesn’t matter how long you take to reach the finish line, just as long as you always work towards it.

Day 7:

Journal Entry: Come up with a life plan, if you don’t already have one, and create a timeline to coincide with your strategy.  

Take 3 of your short-term goals and execute them for completion by the end of this challenge

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