Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The "A" Word...

Adulthood, the word slowly comes out my mouth with pause because there is so much scrutiny that comes along with it.  Though I’m sure I don’t only speak for myself when I say I would love to bask in the glory of childhood once more, the reality is in life you have no other choice but to grow up, and the sooner you accept this realization the better.  As the years come and go, just to name a few, it is distinct when we obtain education, get  involved in relationships, gain experience, grow in knowledge, but when do we actually shape our lives?  At what point do we apply everything we’ve taken in and everything we’ve learned and mold the person that looks back at us from the mirror?  

When I stop and think about the past, I admit that some of the things that I wanted at nineteen, twenty are not even a thought in my life today.  Now my yearning is sharper, thoughts are clearer and determination is finely tuned to coincide with the path of life that I’ve chosen to walk.  Tomorrow when I look back on today, I want to know that I welcomed the  challenge of adulthood, and conquered.   Ladies stay motivated, and you shall triumph.

Have a great one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for the inspiation Bernie. Tate and I were just discussing how we still dont feel like adults lol.

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