Sunday, June 5, 2011

Your Life, Your Role...Your Tomorrow

Your life…what is it that you want tomorrow that you don’t have today?  When you really take the time to reflect on your path there is so much more than beats the eye.  The true witness to your endeavors is you; therefore, your recollection of it all is the truest testament of where you have been, where you are now and ultimately where you want to be.  What’s conducive for your well being, are the objects you choose to be a part of the path.  There is no law against formulating and implementing a strategy to live by. Goals are not accomplished simply by sitting back and watching it manifest.  To truly appreciate life is to live it, fully, to the best of your knowledge.  Not every moment is a conquered moment, but being conscious of time is a much needed tool, for time waits for no one.  Everyday that we put something off is a day that you could have been one step closer to the finish line. The real appreciation of life is the acknowledgement of your purpose in it.  You are here for a reason, but only you can let the world know what that reason is.  Ladies if not for any other rationale…LIVE LIFE BECAUSE YOU CAN!  Inquiring minds want to know…what does tomorrow hold for you?

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