Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Got A Feeling

You know that feeling you get when you know it’s going to be a good day?  That assurance that takes over you, that can be displayed in every step you take?  That confidence you feel that guarantees your smile, and in return that smile becomes so catchy that others automatically smile back at you? You feel strong, motivated, focused even happy; you’re mentally prepared to conquer any and all obstacles that may pop up along the day.  You literally feel a deep appreciation for life, and are humbled at the opportunity to continuously make your dreams come true.  It’s a feeling of liberation.  No one can take away your shine.  You are on a mission, and it will be a success based on determination alone. Ladies, it’s your time to shine.  It costs absolutely nothing to wake up in this frame of mind. If there is one thing that I’ve experienced over the years, it’s the power of our thoughts and emotions.  Sure, it may not be possible to feel up beat and motivated all the time, but if you at least make the attempt it can make a world of difference….especially in shaping the day ahead of you.  Get the feeling ladies; it’s as simple as deciding to make a long term investment in YOU.

Have a GREAT one!

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