Monday, January 31, 2011

Manic Monday: A Positive Attitude In The Workplace Is Key

Good Morning Ladies, Hope you all enjoyed your weekend; mine was great, mostly spent home relaxing and spending time with family.  I know it’s the infamous Monday so I could imagine what crazy obstacles you have already encountered this morning, but I want to remind all of you that your  everyday "attitude" can play a key role in overcoming those obstacles….don’t let your attitude define you.   It’s impractical to expect that we all should be bouncing through the entire work day as if everything is well in the world and life is a constant A+, but I do believe having a positive outlook can change the outcome of your day drastically.  I’m sure that having the whole "importance of having a positive attitude speech" has been lectured to most of us, multiple times through our lives, but there’s a reason for the repetitiveness….it works.  So many times, mostly for reasons beyond our control, life finds us in a place we never thought we would be, and often times that place is our place of employment.  Very seldom do you come across a group of people who are testifying to the love of their job; however, you can get there and it can start with analyzing your attitude....what you think it says about you vs. what you want it to say?  Make the choice to Define it.

A positive attitude can be the key to opening doors to better opportunities; it can also bring forth personal recognition from upper management, loyalty and trust in handling delicate projects and (the most important to me) establish respect in the office.  Ladies, don’t let your dislike for your current occupation back you into a corner; instead think of that employment as a temporary holding space for you while your dream profession is being tailored to fit you, and everything you love to do is being outlined in the job description.  While searching for and solidifying the terms of your ideal career- stay active in your endeavors, focused on your goals, and motivated to overcome any obstacles—this stands for everything you want in life.  Ladies, think of yourselves as being the  “P” in positive, and let it be that pep in your step that takes you to the next level.  Yes ladies you are the "P" in positive because without that “P” the word simply wouldn’t exist, and that's not possible because this year we're making our presence known to the world.  Hope you all have been inspired this morning.  Have a great one!

Friday, January 28, 2011

TGIF! What Are Your Plans After Work Today?

For most of us it’s the last day of the work week, why not end it by enjoying great conversation over appetizers and drinks with friends?  Friday is the official whine down from our working world, and the calm before the Saturday “To Do” storm.  Relax, Relate, Release...acknowledge all that you've accomplished this made it through that briefing; you aced the test you were studying for; children are alive and well, and you didn't loose your sanity to mommyhood (me);  love issues/or single life you still feel great about you....AND the list goes on (LOL)! Here’s to getting through your Friday work load and bringing in the weekend on a calm, relaxed note….Enjoy!

Here are a few of my favs:

For starters I'll have a drink:

My fav~Frozen Pomegranate Margarita...yum!

fror the non alcoholic drinkers Virgin Pomegranate Cranberry Bellini

My fav Appetizers:
I love Calamari (the best I've had so far was from Carlyle in Virginia)

But my ultimate fav is "Sticky Wings" from Dallas BBQ's in NYC

BBQ's.....can't forget the frozen drink!


and for the rest of my entourage...

a quick Sushi fix (I'm still working on it)

Enjoy your after work Friday Ladies!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Style: I know what the magazines say...what does your wardrobe say about you?


***the price of fashion***

***and your wardrobe***

I can admit that I love to shop, and I’m sure most women out there can admit the same, but now that I’m in my thirties I’ve learned to embrace better shopping habits; not that I really spent that much in my twenties, but I definitely wasn’t smart about my expenditures back then.  An out of bounds shopper (going for the gusto and spending money beyond my means) I am not, but I do know that my heart often increases in pitter patter when it comes to handbags and shoes, and I adore just about all things girly and glamorous, which a lot of times equals pricey.  My circle of friends—from NYC to FL—is an array of style that once plotted on a graph can show the highest point of luxury, where money doesn’t play a factor and no indicators or warning signs ever go off during shopping, and as the graph curves the style trends are still amazing yet positively affordable—this is where I fall.  One of the best things about being a woman is that you can plot yourself anywhere in between, enjoying the best of both worlds.  Wherever my points lie, I’m making a conscious effort to be more attentive to my appearance.

Yes, I have monetary goals that I am currently working towards, and a wish list of items that I crave, but I still I want to make sure that realistically my first impression is not costing me a fortune.  Often, our appearance is the initial thing that’s judged upon entering a room, and it can be hard at times to keep up with it if you’re going through a personal situation.  I have gone through some delicate moments in my life, and, dare I say, there was a period where I just didn’t care about the exterior…but I do now.  Logistically speaking I can’t meet the expense of diving into the lap of luxury, but I could still affordably shop for beautiful, bold pieces that can be paired and meshed with my cost effective style today.  Ladies, it’s no secret that when we look good, we feel good; there is a boost in our self confidence, and our esteem levels are elevated to the next plane.  Keep asking yourself, "who is in control of the lever?" You are!  Don’t allow the woes of everyday life to take you away from looking your best; keep the arrow of expectations for yourself on high.  I have been where the pointer touches L (low) and trust me it’s not appealing.  So with these three “A” factors in mind:
  • A new affordable approach to shopping
  • A “me” first attitude
  • A(n)“I want to add a little spice to my wardrobe” proclamation
Let’s gradually start incorporating more glam intoour everyday style.  Here’s to hoping your affordable fashion changes help mark your personal signature of style on 2011.  Have a great one!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spoil Me Wednesday

(image via)

Ladies, how I wish we could all just claim Wednesdays as our off day.  It would be great to see all the different things we would get ourselves into, and the ideas we could bounce off of each other for spoiling and enjoying our own personal “me” time.  For those of you who have not been able to implement a day for yourself in your demanding schedules, I hope that you at least get to enjoy an extended lunch here or there (its almost as easy as penciling it in, should you make the choice to).  Well, by now most of you know that today is my day,  my Wednesday, my “me” day, and to welcome it properly I decided to sleep in—and boy did it feel good—but now I’m up and ready to initiate my plans, going to the movies.

 I’ve decided to treat myself to a matinee; I wanted to see “Black Swan” and the time fit perfect in my schedule. The last few movies I saw were all G/PG rated, hence they were and all picked by my son. So me, myself and an adult movie of my choice it is.  I guess for some people there is this “societal” phobia about going to the movies by your self, and although at one time in my life I fell under that category, I overcame that misconception two years ago.  I have no problem sitting back and enjoying a film by myself, and in being positive about it I have enjoyed some perks such as:   

  • there is very little room for personal distractions such as talking (which I’m guilty of always when I go out with my friends, and yes I’m working on it)
  • your popcorn/snacks/drinks combo can be whatever you want it to be
  • if you decide to throw yourself into a super sized slushy no one is there to comment
  • and the best part (to me) you could use both arm rests—even take up three seats (one for you, one for your jacket and the other for your bag) if the theater is not full. 
So if enjoying my Wednesday means walking up to the window and saying “one ticket to Black Swan,” then see you all after the movie;  besides, today is my day, nothing can go wrong unless I allow it!  Enjoy Ladies!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting Things Done

(image via)
Do you have a deadline lurking or approaching?  If so, make preparations to address those tasks as soon as possible; don’t let the final day creep up on you.  Procrastination is something we can all attest to giving into at some point in our lives.  Lack of interest, complexity, no margin for personal or profitable gain, laziness and even time management are a few underlying reasons, amongst the many, that we allow ourselves to fall into the realm of procrastination.  But oh the stresses that come on due to putting things off until the last minute! What really happens when we choose to put things on the back burner?  Well the biggest factor for me is the self inflicted pressure.  In my world, when a deadline is looming my anxiety level is elevated, I feel strained, I become irritable and make senseless mistakes.  I find that in rushing to complete tasks, I identify more errors than I would have had I allowed myself the proper time to finish.  Ladies, I no longer want to drag my feet, and redirect in life.  In a perfect world, each time I have a project to complete, I want to say to myself, for example, “this is due on the 3rd, let me try and get it done by the 1st.”  I don’t want the comfort of my bed, or my favorite TV show, a phone call, or even another project that has no real red flag priority to take precedence over what matters today!   So ladies lets keep walking forward towards our goal to prioritize our lives, and work towards eliminating procrastination from the flow.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Its Monday...Need I Say More?

{image via}

Good morning Ladies! Perhaps the image I chose is a little on the dramatic side, but trust me I think it fits the bill of my morning.  The craziness of Monday tried to (ok it did) sneak up on me yet again, but thankfully, this time, I was emotionally prepared.  Two words served as my anchor this morning “Breathe Bernie!”   I didn’t realize how many times I was actually going to, but I had to use them when my son decided he wanted to wear his Halloween costume instead of regular clothes (Breathe Bernie); when I couldn’t find my keys for almost 10 mins, just to realize they were in my jacket pocket (Breathe Bernie); almost passed out running all the way to the bus stop, just to wait for a late bus driver (BREATHE BERNIE); and the cream cheese frosting to top it all off…..the hole I witnessed my son put into the knee of his jeans in less then two minutes at the bus stop, throwing himself into a pile of branches that was on someone’s lawn (INHALE BERNIE)!!  But guess what ladies? I’m still here functioning as normal as can be.  Perhaps, at first maybe my tone was sarcastic on the phone with my dad, and when I heard the sound of that tear in the jeans I could feel water stinging the back of my eyes from frustration; but hey it’s Monday right? and I already know it’s my most hectic day, right?  Eventhough at that point, where he tore the jeans, I just wanted to laugh, a high pitched laugh, out loud and scream at the top of my lungs “ok Monday hahaha you got me!!!” but thinking about all the other parents at the bus stop that would undeniably feel sorry for the little boy with the apparent questionable mom—let’s just say "Breathe Bernie"….thank God it did the trick!  Ladies, if you’re experiencing some madness this morning, or can foresee some struggles approaching in your day, just take a minute or two to breathe. Maybe going as  far as creating your own funny or emotional pass phrase may not solve the problem, but it can definitely help soothe you for the moment.  Here’s to hoping you all have a EASY Monday!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Motivates You To Keep Going?

{image via}
Because life is such a grand stage, there are so many roles to be conquered; however, at times assuming these multiple roles can cause wear and tear of the mind, body and soul.  Ladies, I can tell you that there have been plenty of times where I wish I could turn back the clock to a moment before I had to assume financial responsibility.  Back in the days when all the household tasks belonged to my parents and my biggest worry was what time I was going to meet up with my friends; but those instances are far and few in between.  Life hasn’t been the easiest, but I have managed to enjoy it in so many ways. To say that I’m blessed is an understatement.  Literally, the support that I have barricaded around me helps master the everyday flow of life, but I know to some it's not as easy.  Ladies, if you are going through a period where nothing motivates you, and life in your eyes is a mere shade of grey….don’t give up, try to grasp on to the first sight of color that flashes before you.  Let that one beam of light inspire you to feel whole again.  Often times the dark outweighs the light, but as long as there is a figment of hope amongst the shadows there is a chance.  Aside from my loved ones, who are near and dear to me, I will confess that my son has been my biggest inspiration, and he is a bright green that stands out so that I can spot him anywhere.  His smile alone motivates me to leave him a legacy, even if it’s just a legacy of love. I've associated him with the color green, because when it comes to him I will always be on the go.  It is the best feeling in the world to know that I am working towards not only fulfilling my own happiness, but creating a path of happiness for my son to follow should he choose to.  Ladies, spend some time with your thoughts and outline the things that inspire you and let it design a colorful map to your life; it can serve as a guide for someone who might choose to walk in your path.  Hope you all enjoy your Sunday….I’m off to curl up with my remote and lifetime.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can An Organizer Make A Difference In Your Everyday Scheduling?

{image via}

Ladies, today I am tickled pink with excitement, and believe it or not I think it’s just a natural feeling stemming from the projects I attempted and accomplished this week.  What I thought was going to be the hardest part, which was my ability to commit, has proven to be unproblematic (for now at least). I can honestly say that pushing myself to look at the ways I can become more organized has helped me tremendously in my time management, because, now, I know where everything is (at least all the things I organized this  What I didn’t see coming towards me was the need to use planner.  You would think that in this high tech, savvy computer age the access to my blackberry  would be the answer, but honestly it didn’t do the scheduling trick; for messaging and browsing—wonders—but jotting down so I won't forget not really the best.  By nature, I am a creature of habit; therefore, writing things down is what works best for me.  When I grocery shop I make a list: When I do research I’m a big highlighter and margin note taker; I make copies of just about anything I feel has importance and my desk has a life size calendar on it where I pencil everything in, so planner it is.  Thankfully, I already had a planner boxed away from 2 years ago, and it’s a compact binder refill so it’s perfect to utilize going forward.  Because of the fact that I’m doing these awesome new things, everyday life has gotten to be a little more frenzied but I know I can’t do everything over night.  What I find to be the obscurity with excitement is that it has the ability to derail you from your mission if you only focus on the high of your feelings, and not couple it with the time frame you should allow yourself to complete the task at hand.   I’m hoping that my planner will assist me in pacing myself accordingly, and keep me on track.  Optimistically, here's to hoping you all can figure out what planning/organizing method works best for you, and choose to go that route.  Enjoy your weekend ladies.

Friday, January 21, 2011

You, Your Closet And A Plan…The Makeover!

(image via )
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we opened our closet door and walked into something like this every morning? I was inspired by this picture to initiate a much needed closet makover!  Though I'm sure it probably won't look anything like this (lol), it will be fab because it will be a cute, edgy, sophisticated revision inspired by me....what I want it to look like.

Ladies, what are some changes that you want to implement in your closet?  The other day when I started to work on this project I decided I needed to prep, and hence a self designed 5 step plan should do the trick.  My goal was to: make space, get organized, incorporate some portable shelving and more importantly, let go of clothes that I’m obviously holding on to for I have no clue what reason.  I always say to myself, wait that may come back out, but seriously ladies who am I kidding?  Yes, trends recycle themselves, but fashion does and always will change daily in our world, and for some (in my opinion innate) reason as women we get attached to the notion of "having to have" something new…well at least I do.  So this was my plan:

Step 1: Identify the clothes that fit me today—not will fit in 6 months, not oh my, it fit last year—the clothes that fit me right now. *special note on jeans: if you have to hold your breath for more than 30secs to button, lie on the floor to pull them up, or have your son help you tug on a pair like I did, then I’m guessing those favorite pair of jeans don’t belong in the fit pile.

Step 2:  Sort the pieces I chose to keep from the try on, that I’m comfortable with the fit, by season.  Spring is right around the corner, so I thought it would be safe to separate the lighter cardigans from the heavy turtle necks.

Step 3:  Pack away the heavier clothing, preferably in bins because it’s lid protected; keeping out the lighter fall, spring and summer stuff (I’m in FL, but for some of you Winter is still in full blast so it’s up to you)

Step 4: Organize everything by incorporating some portable shelves, and hang up all the “keepers” in an organized fashion.  

Step 5: Donate the non fitters, and all that didn’t make the cut. ** Let me just say that during the donation process, you may second guess your let go picks (like I did) and a few pieces may get a second chance and re-enter the closet; my reasoning for this is, hey maybe we still have a connection after all, I may not adore you today, but you probably can save me on an infamous “I have nothing to wear day” tomorrow.

And voila…closet cleaned and organized right? Wrong! I’m still in the process of cleaning out my closet.  I must confess to you all that it has been about three days and inconsistency has been spotted all over the place. Plus I didn’t take into consideration the boxes of paperwork that I had in there (an organization nightmare); however, I do I think the best part about this whole process has been the choice and the actual attempt to do it.  I hope to be done by this weekend. I keep second guessing my choices for donating, and at one point I kept trying to convince myself that I could fit back into some of my really old clothes. What I do realize is its ok if I don’t fit it anymore.  I want to focus on the way I look in the clothes that I can wear everyday, NOT how it looks hanging in my closet.  Wish me luck on my deadline (I’m going to need it), and the same to you ladies for creating a closet clean out/makeover plan that works for you!  I'll try to post pics next week.  Have a good one!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Food For Thought: What Role Do You Play In Your Affair With The Dollar?

A liaison with money is bitter sweet, literally speaking, and can even prove to be questionable, with all the sorted questions directed towards you.  If you’ve never thought about it before, just take a few seconds to think about it now.  For some reason, beyond our control, a relationship with money is one of those most personal relationships we share in our lives.  It transparently becomes a key aspect to most of the decisions we make everyday.  When it’s full in abundance, we seem to breathe freely and at times allow the dollar to take us places we’ve never been before; however, within the same breath, when it’s low it can bring on feelings of stress, irritation even inadequacy; and lets not talk about when its non existent, at that point desperation can appear, and for some of us even depression. Think about it, all these feelings brought on by an object not a physical person (and we thought men took us on emotional roller coasters).  Ladies, in coming to realize all this, is there a way to implement the two C’s –control & consistency—into our on going affair with money?  If you’re still wondering, the answer is yes, but we have to pull out the good ole master tool of “budgeting.”

Let’s face it ladies, as women, often we are held to a societal standard when it comes to things like: clothes, hair, makeup, bags and what I’ve found to be the biggest frenemy- shoes!  On the average day, I, myself, can be labeled as a “shop-aholic,” but imagine what I would be labeled as if I could afford all the things I really wanted?  We don’t necessarily have to change the desire for the things we want, and by all means feel free to purchase them, BUT first ask yourself “could you really afford it?”  What’s more important, the security of your finances or securing that object?  It may seem like a dreaded word, budget, but I honestly feel it is a tool that was created to successfully keep us on a straight and narrow when it comes to this jaded affair with the dollar. The best thing about a budget is that you create it to work for you; it doesn’t have to be written in pen and it’s flexible to address your financial wants, needs and concerns.  The budget is solely based on your terms.  Ladies, take some time out, and reconstruct your financial lives, let the dollar know who’s really in control.  Going forward, I refuse to let an object, paper nonetheless, have even a portion of that much control like it used to have over me…..even if it tries to negotiate by reminding me that green is my favorite color!  Good Luck Ladies, WE can do this!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spoil ME Wednesdays!

Ooohhhhh did you hear that Ladies? It's the wonderful sound of Wednesday knocking on my door, greeting me with a sweet serine melody, where the lyrics call out to me and say: "nobody's home, the bus has taken the boy to school, most of your To Do's are done, the sun is out, and a venti sized, white, hotchocolate  from starbucks is calling your name....come out, come out and enjoy your Wednesday!"  Yes Ladies, Wednesday is my day.  It's the  one day that I have chosen to escape my everyday life for a few hours.  The one day that I realize begs me to take a break.  Incase you didn't know, being the mother of a six year old (boy nonetheless) your energy can wear thin, and fast.   My Wednesday is the day where, in my world,  laundry doesn't exist, phone calls are optional and maybe, just maybe if I choose to I will acknowledge the rest of the world.  I like to think of it as a "mommy time out."   I realize that it's not as easy for everyone to do just on a whim, and this may be difficult for those of you with extreme schedules that allow little to no flexibility, but you can work on picking and incorporating a day that works for you.  Worst case scenerio, everyday is hectic, and you just can't find the time- then may I recommend a Wednesday afternoon lunch where you can just sit and people watch while enjoying a delight of your choice.   Whatever the outcome ladies, remember, try your best to make it about you!  I'm off to a mani and pedi....don't want my Wednesday to be gone before it got here.  Have a great one!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Filling In The Gaps Where Nutrients Lack

Hello Ladies! I have a small confession to make- besides myself and my son, one of my all time favorite things is food! There I said it.  I love to eat and I don't really care to try new things; if I like it I just add it to my repeat roster of what to order the next time.  I was even told once that I'm an uncomplicated person to go on a date with, because a great restaraunt  always saves the day in my world.  Well, lately I have been attempting to work out, and this morning, during my walk, I wondered "how healthy is my so called diet"?  While I'm just sitting back enjoying all the things I love to eat, am I really making a concious effort to also give my body what it  needs to be strong and function above proper? The answer is NO!  Off the top of my head, I can tell you all that I don't drink water daily, but mostly because I only resort to water when I'm borderline passing out from 90 degree weather (thats the only time it quenches my thirst); Vitamins (ugh) absolutely no consistency in that dept, which means a complete waste of money cause I do buy them; on the plus side, I do eat vegetables daily though, but I don't thinks that's enough (due to lack of variety); and the list goes on, by now you all get my drift. 

Ladies, I know we love when we glow from a great workout, or our skin is clear and our hair is flowing from growth. We love it when we just feel good all around, so why not make a diligent effort to make sure that we feel that way all the time?  Well I'm doing it, and I'm starting today...from now on I want to oblige my body to drink water until I crave it like I do orange soda; take my vitamins everyday/night (which ever works best) as if it were the key to my mind predicting the winning lotto numbers; and I will Try (I mean all I can do is try guys) to be more alert about the ingredients I'm putting into my body, because I no longer want to be a junk food junkie.  I'm going to need EVERYONE wishing me luck on this part of my quest, cause, yes I can admit, a junk food junkie I am today...but a junk food junkie will NOT be part of the healthier me that I want to be tomorrow.

Ladies, good luck filling in the gaps in your every day diet.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Manic Monday Syndrome

Ladies, what a better way to be inspired today than to read the words of a true inspiration, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  I'm guessing that like me, alot of you view Monday as a "Manic Monday" because for a lot of us it confirms the beginning of a work week (and in my world the official count down to the weekend); it's a reminder of the upcoming meetings; the errands; the bill payments; the class bell; the school bus- basically the everday hustle, bustle of life.  For me, Mondays are usually the most exhausting, and it's the one day that I seem to put everything on the back burner for the next day.  I want to change this aspect, and I know it's going to be hard cause Monday and I just don't mesh.

The Plan: In order to uproot the "Manic Monday" symbolism that I have embeded in my mind, I will now try to refer to it as "Money Making Mondays"...a triple M to be coupled with my triple threat solution:  Monday + Me=Money.  Ladies, there are lots of opportunities to be ceased, clients to be gained, investments to be made, don't let a day set you back.   Remember, while we're on this quest, never lose site of your was meant to become a reality.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Sunday Afternoon Guilty Pleasure

Yes, a picture says a thousand words, and today, in my world, Lifetime speaks volumes (lol).  I have to admit, every Sunday afternoon I love to curl up in bed, with my remote, and enjoy a movie on LMN.  It's a pass time for me, and for 2 hours I can wrap myself up in someone else's world (even if it's made for TV).  Sure there are the ocassional distractions such as the phone ringing, a visitor, or questions/demands from my six year old, but the point is I'm making time for me.  Ladies, depending on your schedule, Sundays are the perfect day for you to induldge in your own guilty pleasure; and if for some reason you just dont have one, than the alternative of sleeping in with a movie is just as satisfying.  Hope you all get to enjoy a lazy Sunday ladies...we have a busy week of incorporating "me time" in our schedules ahead!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Yummy, Healthy Breakfast Goes A Long Way

Good Morning Ladies!  It's Saturday, and for most of us that means: errands, chores, playdates etc., basically a game of run around & catch up.  I know how hard it can be to get out of bed knowing there is so much to tackle in one little day, so I thought I'd remind you all of  a natural boost to get your day going- an oldie, but def a goody-Breakfast!!!  A "morning person" I am not, so this is definetly a challenge for me (in regards to consistency that is), but I'm willing to take a few extra minutes to start the day off right.  In remembering that YOU are your most valuable investment, take all the steps necessary to ensure a poitive turn around.  A yummy, yet heathy breakfast can keep you on your feet for miles!  Enjoy your Saturday Ladies....hope you get all your "To Do(s)" done.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ladies lets do it ALL this year...2011!

Every year, like most people worldwide, I make resolutions; some I follow through with, and some die out just as fast as I thought of it...but I make them.  This year I have decided to push myself more than I ever have in my life, because I know that I have a purpose; but more importantly, I am on a quest to figure out what that purpose is.  Over the past five years, I have changed immensely, and it has all led me here, today, this blog Inspiration for the Ladies.  I want to inspire all of you to search for your purpose in life, and maximize your potential in everything that you do.  Life is hard, and by now most of us have figured that out, but why does it have to be?  Show me where its written that "YOU can't have it ALL?"  As a woman I've come to realize a very important factor...We can do it ALL!  So ladies I challenge you to join this quest with me; this year, 2011, have a love affair with yourself; make a list of all your priorities in pencil, and mark your name at the top of the list in pen; take time to invest in your most valuable investment...YOU!  I am so excited Ladies, we're not telling people that this is going to be OUR year....we're letting them know it already is. 2011 I'm telling all the women out there.....  "THE REVELATION IS YOU!"
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