Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spoil Me Wednesday: The Calculation

(image via)

Good morning ladies, it’s Wednesday! I’m up, I’m happy and I’m ready to be pampered! This morning I’m off to my mani/pedi (my bi-weekly ritual), and I must say that I so enjoy this time because it’s just a relaxation method for me.  When I’m in a relaxed state, my mind is clear and my thoughts are vivid.  I also utilize this time to glance through magazines, or maybe even sit back and actually listen to the lyrics of a song that I’m loving at the moment, or my favorite, do nothing at all.  Ladies I encourage you to incoprporate a relaxation method in your lives.  Recently my Dad called me and said "I know it's Wednesday, I'm not going to keep you long" and I thought to myself  "wow maybe you're taking this once a week, my day, thing a little far?" Well I've come to the conclusion that I'm not; I honestly don’t think once a week is too much to ask.  Look at it this way: In a single week there are 7 days; 168hrs; 10,080 minutes; 604,800 seconds—of that breakdown (of course sleeping is excluded) how much of that time have you enjoyed a little pampering?  Ladies, it's easy to get consumed in everything else, and hardly ever think about yourself.  I've done the math and my time is definitely justified.  It doesn't have to be a mani pedi; it could be a soothing bubble bath after work; a glass of wine & a book; an at home facial; or just some scented candles and music; as long as you can enjoy it without interuption.  Ladies, something tells me if you never tried before, after today you’ll try to find a way to schedule some "spoil me time"…even if its not on a Wednesday.

Enjoy Ladies!

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