Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sometimes You Have To Search For Inspiration

When you’re on a mission to accomplish something in life there is no telling how long it will take you to actually realize that goal.  Being able to outline short term vs. long term goals is a key aspect in defining your timeline for completion.  Realistically, change does not come over night and often times in order to see results you have to be patient in your quest. In my opinion it is impossible to feel the strength of motivation every single day of your life; for instance, you may wake up and simply decide you don’t want to deal with the challenges of a new day. You don’t feel the push; you don’t have the energy; you feel nothing but deterioration of enthusiasm. In cases like this I urge you to seek and surround yourself with inspiration in a form that suitable to you.

Find inspiration through....

  1. Reading
A good book, article or magazine not only helps relieve stress, but can serve as a learning tool and guide for examples of life and experiences.  Whether it be fiction or non fiction there is something about a story that stimulates the mind.

  1. Exercising
Even if it’s a half hour walk, once a day, find your body’s rhythm through movement

  1. Color
Incorporate it in your wardrobe, the food you prepare, your decorations etc. Colors stimulates the mind.

  1. Music
I love music and my soul has its own relationship with it.  There are songs that undeniably speak to your heart. Songs that make you laugh, songs that make you cry…ultimately they make you feel.

  1. Love
This is a tough one, but a great one.  Being inspired through love is like finding your muse.  As if you’re opening your eyes from being in a dark place for so long, and realizing that now there is light; there is something greater than all of us out there.  Love is what you make it, and although this is a subject I don’t wish to elaborate on because of its intensity…I know you haven’t experience life if you haven’t experienced love.

Have a great day!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Step Into The Weekend In Nude Pumps

                                                                                                Christian Louboutin

Happy Easter Weekend Ladies!  Around this time families, all over, are planning to get together to spend time with one another and enjoy the celebration of life.  I  love the decor that surronds Easter festivities, because it's full of bright, bold colors, and gorgeous solids, patterns and florals.  Also, gorgeous pairs of nude pumps and sandals are being incorporated into a lot of these styles, and I must say it's really completing the look.  

I hope you all have an awesome weekend planned.  I will be spending time with my loved ones, and of course I'm sure my son will have me on an Easter egg hunt (definitely won't be attempting that in my nude pumps though...lol).  The inspiration I leave with all of you today is "the gift of life", on a spiritual level I am reminded that we all have been given a chance to live life to the fullest, so if you're not already doing so make the decision to do so today. What are you waiting for?  Once you start living and loving life on your own terms, and finding the meaning/purpose of you being here on this earth, it's then you come to realize how much joy the simple things bring to you.  Ladies, I know I haven't said this in awhile, and although we don't know each other personally, I am so excited and proud of the strides we're all making to change our lives for the better.  Sending positive, loving vibes your way, and wishes that you can always find strength to face your challenges.

Hope you enjoy the pics and links...all images via shopstyle

                                                                  Miss Amercia                 Steve Madden 

                                                  L.a.m.b                                                     Alejandro Ingelmo

Have a Great One!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Encouragement of Words

Sometimes you read something that has an effect on you, and you wonder to yourself if it was written specifically with you in mind.   Fear is something that is evident in our lives, especially when we allow it be a factor.  To say to you should never be fearful is unrealistic, instead I say to you if fear becomes apparent don't let it control you.  Finding the strength to overcome barriers proves that there is still a fight inside of you.  Sometimes the biggest obstacles we face in life is the battle within.  Though it may take some time, there is nothing in life that you can't overcome. Ladies stay inspired, and motivated.  Be eminent in all that you do, for your quest for success in love and life is not in vain.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spoil Me Wednesday: Hot, Hazy & Humid = Mani & Pedi

The forecast in Orlando is slated for 90 degrees today, so I'm sure I'll be spotting sandals and open toe shoes all over the place.  Ladies, whether you choose to do your own at home or go into the nail salon or spa, I definitely recommend the treatment of a pedicure.  Just by wearing an eye catching pair of sandals you are putting your feet on display, so why not make sure they are properly groomed and dolled up to give your footwear that complete look? 

Personally I like to stay on top of my appointments by attempting a bi-weekly (at minimum) or monthly (at maximum) schedule.  Also I carry a tote (yes I carry a tote) for convenience, wich contains reading matireals, a notebook for jotting down ideas and my flip flops.  The best thing about this tote is that I drop it in my trunk of my car, hence making it readily available whenever I have an appointment, and in the event that I decide to go in on a whim I still have access to my stuff...trust me it works.

Here are some tips for your Mani/Pedi session:

Schedule your appoinment early- I find that the nail salon is hardly ever crowed, and I never feel rushed which makes me enjoy the session that much more.
Bring your own flip flops- of course a disposable pair will be provided to you, but walking away in your own pair is more comfortable in the end.
Magazine & Music-  I always try to bring reading matireal and of course my ipod; I usually use both
Carry cash if possible- some places add a $1, or more, surcharge for credit/debit payments 


Here's to an awesome, relaxing mani & pedi!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm Love-sick Over VS Pajamas...Go To Sleep In Style!

Who says you can't look good before going to bed?  For  cute,  fashionable ensembles for the night time stretch you can always count of the Victoria Secret sleepwear collection for options.  The variations are colorful and comfortable.  Yes, I'm definitely lovesick over some of these pieces....especially PINK!  Here's to going to bed refreshed and relaxed, and waking up totally rejuvinated and ready to tackle on a new day.  Have fun shopping ladies! :-)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Staying Organized: Sometimes You Have To Be Anal About It

Hmmmm...Going from this (ugh)

To this...ahhhhhhhhhh (heaven)

Hello Ladies, I'm at it again with the organizing and this time the focus is on accessories.  Let me just say that staying organized, in anything you do, takes consistency.  No matter how many times you clean up, straighten up or put things away, if you don't follow a regimen you can find yourself right back in a pile of clutter; in my book, this is especially true when it comes to mail and paperwork (but thats an ongoing, maybe lifetime task lol). 

Recently we've talked about the coming of the spring season, and how the change in weather also brings a change in our social calendars; well in order to socialize you must accessorize so you could imagine my jewelry is all over the place.   Everytime I step out I wear a peiece or two, and when I'm out shopping it's always easy to be inticed by the latest looks and styles up for grabs. 

My temporary Solution: I've dedicated a portion of one of my dresser drawer for accessory overflow 
                  A more permanent fix (for now at least): a jewelry armoire

A jewelry armoire provides more space and dimensions to organize your accessories. They come in different styles and sizes, so you can find one that fits into the design scheme of your room or closet...now if that doesn't get you excited about organizing I don't know what will. 


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spoil Me Wednesday: As Simple As Ice Cream

Early in the Spring season is when I normally send my reality on a two week vacation by tucking it in a closet somewhere, and I invite the insanity of indulging to come on in.  Ladies, I admit it, I don't know how to act when the weather starts warming up, and in my opinion there is no better friend to the Spring season than I.  The flowers blooming, birds chirping, colorful pieces when shopping, outdoor dinner dates and one of my f avs...desserts...in this case Ice Cream in particular.  I'm not an all year round ice cream eater; therefore, when my taste buds are awakened by the craving, I enjoy every spoon that much more.  Yes, Spring brings out the ice cream lover in me, and my ultimate is Hagan Dazs Butter Pecan- my opinion, HDBP can get you through almost anything.  For a moment forget about why you shouldn't, and think about how good it feels that you could.  

The simplest things really make a diference in life. 
Not everything has to be complex, and not everyday has to be a marathon.
  My advice, slow down even if it's for an hour or so. 
Take time to enjoy the things that a lot of us normally take for granted.

 Have a  GREAT day!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Manic Monday: The positive Side of My Morning Madness

It’s funny, but I was thinking about some of the things I do in the morning that actual help motivate me to step out of the door on a positive note.  Monday is the most complex day of the week for me, because I suffer from what I like to call “simply don’t want the weekend to end syndrome” and the reality is Monday’s presence proves it’s over. So ladies, if you have any quirky rituals that help define your mornings, or play a role in controlling the madness….don’t feel out of place about it, we all have to do what we have to do.  

Here are a few of my Monday AM rituals to kick off the  start to my week:

  1. My love of the snooze button…yes ladies I snooze, and snooze and snooze until finally I throw myself out of bed.  When all you have to do is hit snooze and VOILA silence, and on top of that it automatically comes back on again so you don't oversleep…all I can say is LOVE IT!
  2. Finding comfort in the weather mans voice, yeah I know weird; the weather often dictates my mood, so weather on the 1’s with Jeff from News Channel 13 is a biggie
  3. Singing in the shower…nothing wrong with channeling my inner Aretha…R.E.S.P.E.C.T  or whatever song that's in my mind, that can generate smiles or even laughs
  4. Breakfast of champions (at least in my book) Raisin bran crunch cereal…does the job every time
  5. Pancake wishes and six year old kisses….my son continuously tries to bribe me with hugs and kisses for pancakes, and I love it; I’m never too smooched out.
  6. Music while we get dressed….my son loves to listen to “I’mma Be” by the Black Eyed Peas -it gives him that extra energy boost , and  in turn his energy drives me crazy which gives me a boost of adrenaline
  7. Wouldn’t be a Monday if we weren’t running (literally) to my sons bus stop, wish I could say it was for workout purposes but nope…we’re just late
 Hope you all have a great Monday, and for those of you who have that love/hate thing going on with this weekday....hope you find focus and inspiration to make it through the day!


Friday, April 8, 2011

The Significance of YOU

Living a life of fulfillment feels good, and it’s meant to. Here you are learning new things, meeting new people, challenging yourself to do things you never even thought you could do, or see places you never thought you would see.  Who knew life could feel so good? Waking up with a feeling of purpose, even if you have nothing planned at all.  Not only are you engulfed by feelings of happiness, you’re now feeling contentment. A satisfaction for life; a sense of joy that stems simply from the fact that you are here on this earth, alive, ready to witness another day.  Inspired by your hopes and dreams; motivated by your goals and potential.  You no longer feel the need to have someone reassure you of how awesome you are because you already know.  YOU are just as important as anyone else in this world, and what you want out of life matters.

 Sounds good huh ladies?  Well, all those things are initiated from the relationship you build with yourself.  I’ve heard it said many times, and I do believe it myself…. “Happiness comes from within.”  Love yourself, and others will love you the way you deserve to be loved, because anything less is unacceptable.  Ladies, I hope you all get a chance to get into something interesting this weekend, and may rest and relaxation be your foundation for the next two days.


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